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Vision and philosophy
The laboratory’s major vision is to translate our cardiovascular discoveries into new types of drugs to treat atherosclerosis and other cardiometabolic diseases. The laboratory's philosophy is to do good science by solving important problems in CVD patients, seeking collaborations (not competition), and special emphasis is placed on long-term, in-depth, and technically and scientifically rigorous studies. Dr. Xu places great emphasis on educating and nurturing the next generation by fostering independence, and career guidance. He expects his trainees to have great success in career development domestically and internationally at major research institutions or universities.


To elucidate in-depth mechanisms of cardiometabolic diseases using molecular-cell biological approaches; test interested molecules in genetically engineered mice (global/tissue specific knockout/transgene); probe relevance to human setting through the study of normal and diseased human tissues and human genetics; and conceive and test novel and mechanism-based therapies in the cardiometabolic arena by using high throughput drug screening and systems pharmacology.

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